Welcome to Libra Partners

If you have a sales related issue we can help.

The chances are that we have solved your sales challenge before.

Have an unmanaged or under-managed sales team?
Unsure about how to successfully enter the US or the UK market?
Thinking about how to maximize revenue for an exit? Making or just made an acquisition and need to bring the teams together?
Have an underperforming or unmotivated sales team? 

We've been there before. You can trust us to help.

Contact us

The team

An awesome team needs balance, and a diverse and complimentary skill set.
Oh, and you need to have some fun along the way too...

Simon Stillwell

A senior global executive, with experience working in the UK, Europe, Africa, Australasia and North America. Responsible for sales, marketing and client service as an SVP or board member in businesses that range from startup’s to small businesses in their growth phase, to listed companies traded on multiple stock exchanges. Passionate about helping small and mid-size businesses succeed by bringing his experience to bear. A keen sailor with thousands of miles under his keel including an Atlantic crossing round out his experience. 

Heather Burke

With extensive experience in client relationship management and marketing she now manages the day to day operations at Libra Partners. She loves to hike, travel and enjoys good food and great company. 


Teddy is the CFO (Chief Fun Officer). He ensures that things don’t get too serious and organizes the company’s daily fitness routine. Big on long sniffy walks, socializing with friends, finding excuses to eat, and locating the best place to lie in the sun.  

Talulah Belle

Lulu as she likes to be called is the latest addition to the team and Teddy’s erstwhile assistant. Currently completely lacking in focus she makes up for it with charm and enthusiasm. Her goal is one day to be employee of the month...