Our Services

We offer strategic sales consulting and management for businesses looking to grow

Strategic Sales Consulting

We help companies with the 4 P’s.

For businesses to be able to grow efficiently, at a minimum they need to get four things right:

People. Product. Process. Pricing.

If any one of the four P’s is off target your revenues will suffer.

Do you have the right salespeople?
Are they focused on the right market segment?
Are they motivated and being coached and mentored?
Do they have the right tools to ensure success and if so are they using them?
Are they being effectively managed and by whom?
Are sales and marketing working together or blaming each other?
Are you maximizing your existing client opportunities?

Is your product(s) fit for market?
Do you know why your clients buy it and why some prospects don’t?
What is your product differentiator?
Does the market know about your product?
How do they know about your product?

Do you have a sales process? If not, you need one.
Is it proven to work and being improved all the time?
Is it repeatable and being used by the whole team?

Is your product priced correctly?
Are you maximizing revenue from existing clients?
Do your client contracts allow for price increases?
Do you have a referral scheme?

Libra Partners have decades of experience building successful sales teams and solving complex problems.

Experience counts - contact us for sales help with
 - Entering a new market or geography
- Integrating sales teams after an acquisition
- Launching a new product
- Devising / amending a compensation scheme
- Assessing your inbound or outbound sales process or strategy
- Devising a proven and repeatable sales process

Any other sales related issue? Try us.

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Fractional SVP Sales

Effective sales management is vital for every business wanting to grow. However it is a highly skilled role, one where experience counts.

Teams of half a dozen or fewer salespeople often do not need a full time sales manager. A highly experienced manager can be extremely effective on a part time basis. 

Despite that fact, many companies make one or more of the following mistakes:
- Having the founder or CEO manage the sales team
- Promoting the best salesperson to manage the team
- Assuming salespeople are just motivated by commission
- Having the sales manager carry a sales target
- Employing an inexpensive and inexperienced sales manager

If your sales team is not being effectively managed or is left unmanaged they WILL be underperforming and demotivated and you will NOT be maximizing your revenue.

The best sales teams are led by experienced sales managers who put in place processes and coach and mentor individuals to succeed. 

We provide highly experienced part time sales management expertise to ensure you get the best out of your salespeople.

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Additional Services

As you may expect, over the years we have worked with talented individuals and companies in different disciplines.

People that we respect, whose values match ours and who, like us are always putting their clients’ success first.

We work with marketing and PR companies, fractional CFO’s, and CMO’s, accountants, experts in cyber security and data privacy, and talent acquisition to name a few.

We are not shy about helping our clients with challenges that we cannot solve by introducing them to trusted partners who can.

Our business is, after all, about helping other businesses succeed. 

How can we help?

90 Day Revenue Roadmap

As a business owner do you wonder what is needed to accelerate revenue growth?

Should you add salespeople or a sales manager, increase marketing spend, focus on lead generation, or work to increase revenue from your existing clients?

If you find yourself asking any questions like these or are looking for help accelerating revenue you should start with our 90 day Revenue Roadmap.

Why? Because we assess the current state, diagnose any issues and then provide a comprehensive, actionable plan for accelerating your revenue growth. All within 90 days.

What do we focus on?
• Your sales team – their motivation, strengths and weaknesses
• Sales management
• Sales process and pitch
• CRM use and adoption
• Account management
• Sales meetings, coaching and mentorship
• Lead generation efforts

• Product market fit and strategy
• Value proposition and unique selling points
• Sales and marketing collateral. 

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